
The Fidyah For Missed-Fasting Days

Fidya in Islam is a form of compensation or redemption for Muslims who are unable to observe the obligatory fasting during the month of Ramadan due to legitimate reasons. These reasons include conditions such as pregnancy, old age, chronic illnesses, or other situations where fasting is not possible, and individuals are unable to make up […]


Ramadan: Empathy, Generosity and Sharing with the Needy

Ramadan is indeed the most ideal time of the year for self-introspection and self-awareness. This process entails an inner process of heart purification which is conducted through fasting not only from food and drink but also from all kinds of worldly, sensual pleasures.  In this article, we discuss what role Ramadan plays in cleansing our […]


Help Feed the Fasting Refugees: Supporting the Refugees with Your Generosity

As we are spending the holy month of Ramadan among our family members in the warmth of our homes, millions of refugees are spending this month in hardships and misery.  This is because these camps lack basic necessities, such as food, water, shelter, and electricity.  Thus, these refugees are in desperate need of our help, […]


The Power of Sadaqah in Ramadan 

Sadaqah is one of the best acts of charity that is greatly encouraged by Islam as it helps spread mercy and kindness among Muslims in the community. It is mostly encouraged during the month of Ramadan as its rewards are multiplied many times. In this article, we discuss the virtues of sadaqah, especially during Ramadan, […]


The Spiritual Significance of Charity During Ramadan

The holy month of Ramadan is highly regarded by Muslims, and it has great value in Islam. It is a month where acts of virtue are encouraged, particularly giving charity to the poor. During this month, we should feel the pain of those in need and increase our virtuous deeds. Thus, Muslims should seize the […]


Ramadan: A Time for Giving Back and Spreading Joy in Your Community

The prophet (PBUH) was exceedingly generous, particularly during the month of Ramadan.  Thus, Muslims are encouraged to emulate his actions of compassion and mercy during this special month, where the rewards are multiplied. Indeed, the refugee communities are among the communities in need of such generosity, especially during Ramadan. The Prophet’s generosity during Ramadan and […]


The Power of Prayer and Charity: How Ramadan Can Transform Our Lives

The holy month of Ramadan provides a great opportunity for Muslims to elevate their spiritual status and go through a process of self-assessment.  There are many values that Muslims learn in this blessed month by fasting, such as self-discipline and patience.  This article will shed light on the many essential values related to the holy […]


Ramadan: Small Acts of Kindness That Can Make a Big Difference

Ramadan is the month of blessings and mercy. It is also a time when Muslims strive to do good deeds and perform acts of charity to please Allah (SWT). In this article, we will explore some small acts of kindness that make a significant impact during Ramadan and how they can benefit us and those […]


Things Will Break Your Fast

Fasting during Ramadan is one of the Five Pillars of Islam. It grants good deeds and gives Barakah to Muslims’ life. Fasting in Islam Muslims worldwide fast during the Holy Month of Ramadan, the ninth month of the Lunar year – in the Islamic Calendar. Fasting Ramadan is an obligatory act of worship through which […]
